Colin Diamond

Colin Diamond at stud

Colin Diamond is a 16.3 black horse with super conformation and movement which he passes on to his offspring. This proven sire’s stock are performing successfully in every sphere, jumping, eventing, dressage and showing. They are extremely saleable horses with many of them topping sales at home and abroad. His sire Diamond Lad is by King of Diamonds, one of the most successful Irish Sires of all time.
His dam Lady Colin by Colinstable is closely related to Duneight Carnival.
As a young horse he was a prolific winner of numerous lunging competitions and jumping championships in the company of other great horses such as Boherdeal Clover, Clover Brigade and Coolcorron Cool Diamond.
He is producing exceptional young stock with quality and ability; his offspring have won classes ranging from the Young Irelander, the 4 YO jumping championship at the RDS and almost every showing championships in the country.
They are also excelling in the eventing field all over Europe and in the USA. This horse is now only available by frozen semen.